We turn design to reality with our three phase development approach.
The commercial real estate development process is not for the faint of heart. With so much at stake, you can ill afford to trust your project with those who say they can. At Baker, our history proves we can. From selecting a piece of dirt or analyzing multiple buildings, this is an exciting journey and both our development and construction teams are ready to be your single point of contact to take the guesswork out of your future development. An efficient and organized development process is vital to the success of a project turning from concept into reality. Because our process has been refined and tested over the years, we’re able to combine multiple steps into three phases: Location hunting and analysis, team development and design, and the big dance; aka CONSTRUCTION!
Location hunting and analysis:
Property identifying research and coordination:
Parcel/Building Size, Zoning, Code restrictions, Street presence, Traffic counts, existing or lacking utilities, etc.
Property reports:
Site Investigation reports such as a geotechnical evaluation, a topographic and boundary survey, a Phase One Environmental Survey, an Asbestos Survey, etc.
Preliminary rough budget check:
We’ll help you create a comprehensive evaluation of your project (a proforma) that goes beyond the construction costs. Before you acquire property and the checkbook begins to get to work, we’ll ensure you have a clear understanding of the entire view of the project and the hard and soft costs that need to be accounted for. If the reports and property identifiers are still looking promising and the rough budget looks like it is within your target range, the process continues.
Team Development and Design:
Completing the team:
Architects and Engineers, Real Estate Professionals, Legal representation, Lenders, Equity Partners (if needed), etc.
With the design team in place, we work in unison to define the budget, design to the budget and ultimately build to the budget. Once the plans are complete, we prepare them for the permitting process.
We revise the rough budget as the scope of work becomes more defined. We continue to ensure that your vision and the budget are aligned with the design. We will simultaneously submit for permit and distribute the approved construction plans to the local subcontractors to ensure the most competitive pricing and finalize the construction costs. With a final approved construction cost, we’ll help prepare the documents your lender and/or partners will need for the final approval.
With a permit in hand, proof of financing and your blessing; we get to work on building your future environment for success.
Many of our team members own real estate throughout the western US and should you need additional equity partners and/or want to pursue a joint venture relationship, our development team is ready to discuss that opportunity with you.
We begin by listening to the client’s project vision, requirements, and constraints. They will serve as our foundation from design through turnover.
- Permit process coordination
- Project timeline creation
- Cost estimating